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今天抽空去台北車站的 三民書局,火速挑了這本《知英文化-TOEIC 多益寫作入門》,想要提昇自己的英文寫作能力。其實本來是要省錢去天龍書局挑 簡體書官方OG 的,不過在翻閱比較後,我覺得這本書循序漸進的方式,真的是很合我的胃口!

這本《知英文化-TOEIC 多益寫作入門》不是一開始就針對 TOEIC 題型進行教學,而是讓你從短句開始寫,再來要求你把句子「寫長」,然後再繼續加上其他條件,例如:時態、語態,讓句子的結構愈變愈複雜!

短句 > 長句 > 複雜長句 > 段落 > 一篇完整的文章


原本還有打算要買文法書的說,不過因為這本書裡頭同樣有講文法的概念,所以文法書的錢就省下來了!最後附上目前找工作 (含面試、筆試) 的心得:

企管系畢業 = nothing,就很像 MBA 只念了一個禮拜就肄業的程度
多益考再好 = 進去被英文筆試刷掉一樣沒有用

這篇文章有 5 則留言

  • 徐仲威表示:

    When will you test for TOEIC?

  • 徐仲威表示:

    Many thanks! I’m going to keep this sentence in my mind! I just got a notice of interview a couple of hours ago. Then I’m preparing my English introduction now!

  • Jane表示:

    i’ve asked some friends yesterday.
    i’m sorry that none of my friends doing that kind of job now..
    you’ve got some precious experiences.
    if you have never tried,you won’t know what should be developed!
    maybe you have to spend a few months to apply for the job…
    and i think there will be a lot of things you have to prepare for during idle time.

    the longer you wait, the more you get!

    dont be upset!

  • 徐仲威表示:

    HA HA, no wonder today I told you that I have discharged from military and you seem very surprised! I am regrettable for left the military so early.

    I have been interviewed by six companies but the result seems not successful. Due to my preparation is not enough, I have lost six chances to get the offer.

    For example, I didn’t prepare the introduction in English. Therefore when the manager of the company ask me “Please introduce yourself in English" then I am at a loss!

  • Jane表示:




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