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My podcast is under review by the iTunes Store team NOW!
Screenshot from my email today

My podcast is ready for iTunes Store but it's still under review by the iTunes Store team. I can't wait to see my podcast appears on the iTunes Store. Maybe there are many copyright songs in my podcast which is the reason that my podcast reviewed so slowly. I hope that it will pass!


我的 Podcast 已經寄去 iTunes Store 送審囉!聽起來好像很恐怖,不過實際上 只要在 MyAudioCast 點一個按鈕 就好了(站長 小海 寫太好了)。其實我早在 3月份那時就送審過一次了,但那時因為 iTunes Store 說我的連結怪怪的,所以沒有過!


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